Adineta vaga DAVIS 1873
Adineta vaga-011; creeping/swimming specimen, dorsoventral view. (1)
The movement and other behavior of this rotifer is documented by slow-motion video here>>>.
Adineta vaga-011; 2 images of a young specimen; different focal planes. Upper: dorsal view; lower; optical longitudinal transect (images not to scale). (1)
Adineta vaga-011, 2 images of the anterior partof two different specimens. Left: focal plane on the ciliary field and the rakes with 4 U-hooks each. Right: focal plane on the rostral lamella. Also visible is the buccal field and the buccal tube / mastax. The buccal tube length is about 2.2x size of mastax (ramus length). Images not to scale (1)
Adineta vaga-011: prehensile apparatus of 2 specimens macerated with SDS. Upper image: focal plane on the 4 U-hooks (arrows) in each blade which act as reinforcement structures of the denticles (see lower image). Mid image: focal plane on the base of the chitinous blades. Lower left image: another specimen; focal plane on the 5 denticles (arrowheads) which are reinforced by the 4 U-hooks (arrows). Lower right image: slightly different focal plane. (1)
AdiAdineta vaga-011: left: retracted foot; focal plane on the spurs with cone-shaped base and distinct, two-segmented tip. Right image: focal plane on the interspace between the toes. (1)
Adineta vaga-011:: 2 images of the ramate trophi . Left: cerebral view; right: caudal view; ramus length (RaL): 13µm
Sample courtesy of Dr. Chris Wilson, University of Oxford
Location: Dorset, UK
Habitat: moss
Date: coll.:?? img.: 05.04.2024
freshwater life
marine life